Charly Miller, 42865 byte(s). 40 FT Console, 44877 byte(s). Quad-Helix UHF, 67687 byte(s). GRARR VHF, 78088 byte(s). Antenna Field, 41318 byte(s). MSFN Vans, 38686 byte(s). MOTS , 41069 byte(s). MOTS, 39187 byte(s). MINITRACK, 50873 byte(s). MINITRACK Antenna, 38748 byte(s).
I received this group of photos from someone stationed at Tananarive in the 60's and subsequently had a computer failure where I lost all of my email and lost the email with this persons name on it. Fortunately I had saved the photos on an external storage device prior to the crash.

If the person who donated these photos happens to visit this page, please contact me as I would like to add your name to the list of contributors.


Gary Schulz